Comments 51

Vulnerable Riots – Angelos Frentzos F/W 2014-15 Men’s Collection

Question: What does an elephant have to do with fashion? If you have no clue, no worries, ’cause Angelos Frentzos F/W 2014-15 Men’s Collection is here to solve all your queries. Indeed, elephants, like humans, follow a set of rituals to honor the dead and express their grief. This very fact is what triggered Angelos Frentzos’ latest work! And that’s the vulnerable part which gives a soft gothic touch to this can’t-wait-till-next-fall collection.

♬ ♪ Elephant / Tame Impala 

Angelos Frentzosclick to enlarge

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  1. What an originally beautiful collection ! When you wear these incredibly wonderful pieces next fall, you’ll be able to sing out loud Suede’s “Elephant Man” ! XXX

  2. The saying goes that an elephant never forgets, and this fabulous collection is surely unforgettable! Can’t wait to see you in some of these pieces. XOXO N & N

  3. Like the jacket in the middle in the second row (the green-ish one). Great collection and a very nice blog! Awesome. Keep it up.

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